The Early Bird Gets the Job

Have you ever spent hours editing your resume (and maybe even your cover letter), just to find out the role has already been filled when you go to apply?

It's the worst. Such an annoying feeling.

Next time, save yourself the hassle and stop tailoring your resume to every job.

Also, you don't need a cover letter in tech.

Anywho, today's tip is about moving faster in your job search

Many job seekers get stuck and don't move fast enough while job hunting.

I see a lot of bad habits like these:

  • Endlessly editing your resume

  • Not sending follow-ups

  • Applying to only a few jobs per week

  • Only submitting applications online

  • Waiting to apply because you don't feel 100% ready

  • Not tracking any data

These are all buzz killers in your job search.

Moving faster and having a sense of urgency will get you better outcomes.

Stop waiting for permission to take action. Get out there and go HAM.

This is what I mean:

Apply to the job sooner. 
Reach out to someone inside the company sooner.
Schedule the interview sooner. 
Send the thank you email sooner. 

You get the idea: MOVE FASTER.

Do whatever it takes to be ready, even if it's for the next day.

Speed indicates eagerness and it signals you are a competitive candidate.

Also, while you are delaying and thinking about whether to apply for the job, someone else is already executing.

And that person will likely meet the hiring team before you and will get an offer faster.

Fact is, if you can get into the interview process and meet the hiring team before other candidates you'll have a higher chance of getting the job.

Don't underestimate the power of being first in line, it helps.

Moral of the story: Build speed into your process, and take action sooner rather than later.

The best part is you'll get feedback faster, and then you can iterate and improve your job search.
Moving with a sense of urgency will massively impact your progress as you job search.

Ask yourself "where in my process could I act faster?"

Don’t wait for the perfect time – take action and adjust as you go.

That’s the tea my peeps. 

P.S. ICYMI - I was featured in the Wall Street Journal.


New York Times Feature


Wall Street Journal Feature