The Importance of Your Internal Narrative for Job Search Success

If you've been following me for a while, you know how important I think it is to master your career narrative to improve your job interviews.

Learning to ace your interviews is a skill you can build with some coaching and practice.

However, another critical story you must be aware of is your internal narrative.

Aka the story you are telling yourself every day.

Your internal narrative is that voice inside your head that tells you about your self-worth & if you are deserving and capable of being successful in your career and life.

These internal stories influence our confidence and success in the job search.

Right now the number one thing that could be holding you back from your goals is YOU, and that voice in your head telling you negative stories about yourself.

It might be a hard pill to swallow, but psychology says it's true.

While the negative message may not have originated from you, at some point you might have absorbed and taken on some limiting beliefs about your ability to succeed.

And that tape might still be running in the background of your life.

Here’s an idea: do a self-audit on the voice in your head.

Figure out the dominant beliefs you hold and how they may be helping or hindering you.

What is that voice telling you daily and weekly about your ability to succeed in your job search or career?

Here’s a gentle reminder to become aware of these stories, have empathy for yourself and LET GO of whatever doesn’t serve you anymore.

Pro-tip: Build a strong support system of people around you that build you up and make your feel great.

It takes ongoing self-work to build confidence and it may not be simple, but it's worth it.

Because even if you learn all the interview tips and tricks out there, but you don’t believe in yourself, it WILL impact your job search outcomes.

If your limiting beliefs are strong enough they will surface and come through in subtle ways during your job search and interview process.

I'm also a firm believer in taking accountability for your outcomes.

In fact, I think taking accountability is sexy af.

So put in the work and figure out why you might not be getting the outcomes you want.

What do you really believe about yourself and your abilities to get a new job?

Whatever it is, it will likely come true.

Building a compelling career narrative and strong interview responses in a story format is critical for success.

But for ultimate success in the job search, master your internal narratives too.

Remember, your current situation is not your final destination


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